Category: Acupuncture
Acupuncture Helps Post-Operative Pain, Nausea and Vomiting
Acupuncture is a technique used in Eastern medicine as a pain relieving analgesic. A paper published in Current Pain and Headache Reports did a review regarding acupuncture used in helping patients with pain after surgery (post-operative pain). The authors found that acupuncture is a low-risk method that has the potential to enhance post-operative analgesia, decrease…
Acupuncture Works In The Brain To Help Neck and Shoulder Pain
An article published in the journal CNS Neuroscience & Therapeutics, the authors investigated the reaction of different areas in the brain to acupuncture treatment. They concluded that acupuncture treatment seems to help reconnect different areas of the brain that significantly helps to reduce chronic neck pain and chronic shoulder pain in women. ~ Dr. Broussard…
Cupping For Low Back Pain
Cupping is when a healthcare provider uses cups that provide suction to an area of the body. The effect of cupping includes promotion of the skin’s blood flow, changing the skin’s biomechanical properties, increasing pain thresholds, improving local anaerobic metabolism, reducing inflammation, and modulating the cellular immune system. ` Aboushanab, T. Cupping Therapy: An Overview…
Ear Acupuncture for Chronic Neck Pain
In an article published in the journal Medical Acupuncture, the authors did a study on people who had neck pain for at least 2 years. They used an ear based acupuncture technique called, “auriculotherapy”. This is when you use acupuncture needles in the ear. The nerves that go to the ear are directly connected to…
Consider Acupuncture If You Have Temporomandibular Joint Disorder (TMJ)
In an article published in the Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies, they suggest that among other non-pharmacological treatments, acupuncture could be considered as a treatment that may help with jaw muscle pain. ~ Dr. Broussard Myofascial pain in temporomandibular disorders: Updates on etiopathogenesis and management Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies MYOFASCIAL PAIN AND…
Acupuncture for Opioid-Induced Constipation
Often, people who take pain killers get constipated because of the medicine. This article reviews an article that was published in the journal Clinical Epidemiology showing that acupuncture is an effective therapy to help manage constipation caused by opioid pain medications. ~ Dr. Broussard Acupuncture Today – December, 2021, Vol. 22, Issue 12 BY EDITORIAL…
Acupuncture Helps Fibromyalgia Patients
This article was published in the journal Evidence Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine where the authors concluded that acupuncture has a beneficial effect on pain in fibromyalgia patients with high disease severity, in particular helping abdominal pain and pain involving the forearms. ~ Dr. Broussard Pain Changes Induced by Acupuncture in Single Body Areas in…
Can Spinal Manipulation and Acupuncture Fix A Herniated Disc?
In the journal World Journal of Clinical Cases, a case report was published documenting how they fixed a herniated disc using acupuncture and spinal manipulations that chiropractors use in their offices. ~ Dr. Broussard Retraction of lumbar disc herniation achieved by noninvasive techniques: A case report World J Clin Cases. 2021 Sep 26;9(27):8082-8089. doi: 10.12998/wjcc.v9.i27.8082.…
Tension-Type Headache Responds To Acupuncture and Manual Therapy Treatment
In an article published in Cureus, the authors concluded that, “The available data suggests that both acupuncture and manual therapy have beneficial effects on treating symptoms of tension-type headache.” ~ Dr. Broussard Effectiveness of Manual Therapy and Acupuncture in Tension-Type Headache: A Systematic Review Cureus. 2021 Aug 31;13(8):e17601. doi: 10.7759/cureus.17601. eCollection 2021 Aug. Arifa Turkistani…
Acupuncture Helps Relieve Migraine Headaches in Two Ways
In an interesting paper published in the journal Frontiers in Neuroscience, the authors concluded that acupuncture helps relieve headache symptoms in two ways: it restores the pain processing function and regulates pain perception. I have used acupuncture successfully to help people suffering with migraine headaches since 1998. ~ Dr. Broussard Acupuncture Modulation Effect on Pain…