Category: Knee Pain
Balance Better Than Strength Training For Knee Arthritis
This article suggests that proprioceptive training reduces knee arthritis pain, and should be included in rehab programs. Here is an example of a simple proprioceptive exercise, and this guy shows more advanced proprioceptive exercises. ~ Dr. Broussard J Athl Train. 2019 Apr;54(4):418-428. doi: 10.4085/1062-6050-329-17. Epub 2019 Apr 17. Proprioceptive Training and Outcomes of Patients With…
Knee Arthritis Pain Relief Peaks Early With Non-Steroidal Anti-inflammatory Drugs
This article is suggesting that NSAIDs like ibuprofen and naproxen don’t help knee arthritis after about 26 weeks. They also point out that there is a 42% chance of experiencing an adverse event involving the gastrointestinal and/or cardiovascular system taking these drugs. ~ Dr. Broussard Don’t expect relief to last beyond a few months by…
Exercise For The Non-Operated Knee Helps The Operated Knee
By doing balance exercises on the non-operated knee, you can help improve the function on the operated side. ~ Dr. Broussard Cross-over Effect of Balance Training After Knee Surgery: A Pilot Study Layci J. Harrison, PhD, LAT, ATC; Lindsey K. Lepley, PhD, ATC; Dana K. Fuller, PhD; Jennifer L. Caputo, PhD, CSCS, MX Athletic Training…
Corticosteroid injections: Do they really work for knee arthritis?
March 25, 2019 LAS VEGAS — Although corticosteroid injections appear to offer short-term benefits regarding pain and function for patients with knee arthritis, a presenter here noted no guidance is available in the terms of frequency and dosage. In his presentation at The Knee Society Specialty Day at the American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons Annual…
Exercise May Help Prevent Cartilage Degradation in the Knee
Osteoarthritis Cartilage. 2019 Jul;27(7):1064-1074. doi: 10.1016/j.joca.2019.03.003. Epub 2019 Mar 25. Fu S, Thompson C2, Ali A, Wang W, Chapple JP, Mitchison HM, Beales PL, Wann AKT, Knight MM. Abstract OBJECTIVE: Physiological mechanical loading reduces inflammatory signalling in numerous cell types including articular chondrocytes however the mechanism responsible remains unclear. This study investigates the role of…
Weight Loss Slows Knee Cartilage Degeneration
Weight loss regimen in obese and overweight individuals is associated with reduced cartilage degeneration: 96-month data from the osteoarthritis initiative Osteoarthritis and Cartilage — Gersing AS, et al. | March 01, 2019 In this investigation, researchers studied changes in the composition of knee cartilage in overweight and obese participants with constant weight vs those with…
Knee Pain and Weak Abdominal Muscles
Diagnostic ultrasound shows that women with pain in the front of the knee have smaller abdominal muscles than women with non-painful knees. This may help explain why improving trunk muscle strength helps people with knee pain…. ~Dr. Broussard J Ultrasound Med. 2019 Feb 27. doi: 10.1002/jum.14973. [Epub ahead of print] Lower Trunk Muscle Thickness Is Associated…
Majority of Knee, Hip Replacements Last 25 Years
Nicola M. Parry, DVM February 15, 2019 The majority of knee and hip replacements can be expected to last 25 years, according to two new studies. Jonathan T. Evans, MRCS, Bristol Medical School, Southmead Hospital, United Kingdom, and colleagues conducted both studies. Their findings were published online February 14 in the Lancet. Overall, approximately 82% of primary total…
Questions Linger About Steroid Injections and Knee Arthritis
Janis C. Kelly February 08, 2019 Patients with mild to moderate knee osteoarthritis (KOA) who used intra-articular corticosteroids (IACs) experienced substantially faster disease progression than those in a matched group who had not received IACs. However, experts caution that the difference in progression rates might reflect underlying differences that influenced the decision to treat with IACs. Thus,…
Two Outcome Trajectories Identified After Knee Replacement
Clinicians have been reporting about 20% poor outcomes in knee replacements for decades. This report demonstrated for the first time with a scientifically defensible method that they were right all along. This article also discuss why some people have good results and why some don’t. Janis C. Kelly January 31, 2019 Two characteristics that can be…