Fibromyalgia (FM) is a condition that produces widespread pain that can literally change the life of a FM patient, but as they say, “ must go on!” Therefore, this Health Update is dedicated to discussing ways to empower you with tips to make FM as least activity restricting as possible. Ways to gain self-control of FM include the following:
- Exercise: There are two forms of exercise you should include in your self-management program. One is light aerobic exercises such as walking and/or water exercises with the objective to increase your heart rate. The other is strength training with a low weight / high repetition approach emphasizing the part of the exercise where you slowly release the weight back to the start position (the eccentric part of the exercise). Here is a list of tips from the National Fibromyalgia Association that should help:
- Start slow – don’t overdo it the first few times you exercise as post-exercise soreness is normal but, it’s exaggerated in the FM patient.
- Listen closely to your body’s feedback! Increase the activity according to your tolerance – NOT TOO QUICKLY!
- Start with only a few minutes of gentle exercise and work your way up.
- Walking is a GREAT form of exercise. It can be done inside (in the winter, for example), outside, and/or in water (to reduce weight bearing loads).
- Track your progress by keeping a log of what and how much you’re doing. This can be accomplished by wearing a pedometer (that measures steps), a heart monitor (that measures pulse rate), and keep track of the distance and time, when possible. Make notes how you felt during and after the exercise.
- Stretch before and after exercising.
- Keep your chiropractor informed and work as a “team” to advance your program.
- Sleep: A poor sleep pattern is the “norm” for FM patients. The pain associated with FM usually interferes with sleeps, which leads to more pain followed by more sleep disturbance – it’s a vicious cycle that needs to be broken. The National Sleep Foundation and others recommend the following steps to help us sleep:
- Stick to a sleep schedule. Go to bed at a similar time each night, even on weekends.
- Room temperature – keep it cool, not too warm!
- Caffeine – avoid this especially towards evenings (coffee, tea, soda, and/or chocolate).
- Alcohol – avoid before bedtime as it can keep you awake.
- Exercise – in the afternoon, NOT before bedtime.
- Nap as needed but ONLY briefly – like 20 min. max.!
- Be comfortable – wear soft PJ’s and consider a white noise machine.
- Bedtime routine – consider reading, listening to soft music – whatever works for you! Once you find a routine that works, stick with it!
- Diet: Talk to your chiropractor about food allergy, gluten sensitivity, diabetes, thyroid function, medication/vitamin use and any other unique issues that pertain to you.
- Emotional control: Engage your family, good friends, your healthcare providers, and consider FM support groups. Meditation, deep breathing and visualization exercises as well as cognitive therapy can also be very effective.