Author: Andre Broussard, D.C.
Non-Validated BP Monitors Are a Global Problem
— Thousands of device models don’t meet international standards by Nicole Lou, Staff Writer, MedPage Today February 15, 2022 Automatic blood pressure (BP) monitors that are clinically validated for accuracy turned out to be few and far between in terms of worldwide distribution, despite guideline recommendations that patients use validated models, researchers found. Devices lacking…
Medicare Beneficiaries Reduce Escalation of Medical Treatment With Chiropractic Care
If a Medicare beneficiary begins their back pain treatment using chiropractic type treatment (called spinal manipulative therapy), they have a much lower chance of being admitted to the hospital, having to go to the emergency department, having advanced imaging like MRIs and CAT scans,having to see a specialist, and having to have surgery, or spinal…
For Patients: What Is Endometriosis?
— Could you be suffering from this painful disease? by Diana Swift, Contributing Writer, MedPage Today Reviewed By Valerie A. Flores, MD, assistant professor, Division of Reproductive Endocrinology & Infertility, Department of Obstetrics, Gynecology & Reproductive Sciences, Yale School of Medicine – Yale New Haven Hospital, New Haven, Connecticut Last Updated February 01, 2022 Endometriosis…
Weight Loss Can Reduce Risk of Knee or Hip Replacement
In a study published in the International Journal of Obesity, the authors concluded that in people with significant knee osteoarthritis, every 1% weight loss was associated with a 2% reduced risk of knee replacement and – in those people who had persistently painful hips – a 3% reduced risk of hip replacement, regardless of baseline…
Low Level Laser Therapy May Help Your Plantar Fasciitis
If you have plantar fasciitis, you may want to consider low-level laser therapy. There are offices around town, both chiropractic and physical therapy that offer low-level laser therapy. ~ Dr. Broussard Effect of low-level laser therapy on pain and disability in patients with plantar fasciitis: A systematic review and meta-analysis Musculoskeletal Science and Practice Volume…
A Rotator Cuff Problem May Respond To Hypertonic Dextrose Injections (“Prolotherapy”)
Hypertonic dextrose injections are also called “prolotherapy”. We think these injections facilitate healing and subsequent pain control through initiation of a temporary inflammatory reaction with related tissue regrowth. In this article published in the Archives of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation, the authors conclude that these injections could provide short-term pain and disability relief in patients with…
Cost Study Backs PT Over Steroid Shots in Knee Osteoarthritis
— Better efficacy and no pricier over time by John Gever, Contributing Writer, MedPage Today January 24, 2022 Although physical therapy for osteoarthritis of the knee costs more than an intra-articular steroid injection, it’s cost-effective when clinical outcomes a year later are taken into account, researchers said. A secondary analysis of data from 156 participants…
Acupuncture Works In The Brain To Help Neck and Shoulder Pain
An article published in the journal CNS Neuroscience & Therapeutics, the authors investigated the reaction of different areas in the brain to acupuncture treatment. They concluded that acupuncture treatment seems to help reconnect different areas of the brain that significantly helps to reduce chronic neck pain and chronic shoulder pain in women. ~ Dr. Broussard…
Non-pharmacological Treatment for Chronic Pain in US Veterans Treated Within the Veterans Health Administration
In the Journal of General Internal Medicine, the authors found that among veterans with chronic pain, VA patients were more likely to use chiropractic care, educational class/workshops, or psychotherapy. If you know of a veteran experiencing chronic pain, Dr. Broussard’s office is available for referrals from the local VA for chiropractic and acupuncture services. J…
Cupping For Low Back Pain
Cupping is when a healthcare provider uses cups that provide suction to an area of the body. The effect of cupping includes promotion of the skin’s blood flow, changing the skin’s biomechanical properties, increasing pain thresholds, improving local anaerobic metabolism, reducing inflammation, and modulating the cellular immune system. ` Aboushanab, T. Cupping Therapy: An Overview…