Author: Andre Broussard, D.C.
Vitamin D and/or Omega 3 Decreased Autoimmune Incidence By 25%-30%
At an annual meeting of the American College of Rheumatology, Karen Costenbader, MD of Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston, presented a paper that concluded that, “Supplementation for 5 years with vitamin D3 and/or omega-3 fatty acids reduced incident autoimmune disease by 25% to 30% in older adults versus those who received neither supplement.” ~…
Topical Anti-Inflammatory Effective For Knee Osteoarthritis
In an article published in the British Medical Journal, the authors assessed the safety of non-steroidal medications and they concluded that, for long term use, topical preparations like topical diclofenac 70-81 mg should be first-line treatments. ~ Dr. Broussard November 07, 2021 BMJ : British Medical Journal TAKE-HOME MESSAGE This comprehensive systematic review and network…
Is Knee Noise a Problem?
BY ERSON RELIGIOSO III, DPT, FAAOMPT Noises Around the Knee INTRO: Noise in the knee joint is a common symptom that often leads to outpatient clinic visits. However, there have been no previous review articles regarding noise around the knee despite its high prevalence. Song et al. (2018) reviewed the noise characteristics according to sound…
The Power of Vitamin D
Besides growing bones in children, Vitamin D also regulates many other cellular functions, with its anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and neuroprotective properties supporting immune health, muscle function brain cell activity and much more. ~ Dr. Broussard The power of vitamin D: What experts already know (and are still learning) about the ‘sunshine vitamin’ Newswise: Children’s Health |…
Mid-back Adjustments Help Shoulder Pain
In an article published in the journal Clinical Biomechanics, the author reports that spinal manipulation of the middle back increases shoulder muscle activity. This seems to help reduce pain and improve function in patients with shoulder pain. ~ Dr. Broussard Evidence for increased neuromuscular drive following spinal manipulation in individuals with subacromial pain syndrome Clinical…
Spinal Manipulation (Chiropractic Treatment) Helps Acute Neck Pain
Acute pain refers to a sudden onset and of short duration. This article published in the Journal of Clinical Medicine showed that spinal manipulative therapy as practiced by chiropractors, is significantly better than medicine one day after treatment, and spinal manipulation alone, or in combination with other treatments seems to be effective for people with…
Coffee and Caffeine Consumption and Risk of Kidney Stones
In an article published in the American Journal of Kidney Diseases, the authors concluded that while using genetic data, this study provides evidence that higher coffee and caffeine consumption may cause a reduction in kidney stones. ~ Dr. Broussard Yuan S, Larsson SC American Journal of Kidney Diseases | October 27, 2021 A reduction in…
Connection Between Inflammation and Depression
Researchers outline the connection between inflammation and depression MedicalXpress Breaking News-and-Events | October 27, 2021 In a paper published recently in Pharmacological Reviews, Emory University School of Medicine researchers outlined the impact of inflammation on motivation as it relates to depression. The researchers propose that low grade inflammation affects brain chemicals and brain circuits that…
Weight Loss Program for GERD Relief?
If you or someone you know suffers from GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease), and they want to reduce the use of their acid blockers, they may want to know that if they lose weight, they have an increased chance of getting off of the medication for GERD. ~ Dr. Broussard — In patients with BMI over…
Let’s Focus More on What We Eat, Not How Much
Dr. Ludwig is a Professor of Pediatrics at Harvard Medical School and Professor of Nutrition at Harvard TH Chan School of Public Health. He wrote the article below where he provides his hypothesis that its not how much you eat, its what you eat that’s important for weight loss. ~ Dr. Broussard — The carbohydrate-insulin…