Author: Andre Broussard, D.C.
Aspirin Use and Misuse for Prevention of Heart Problems
If you started taking aspirin without a doctor’s recommendation to prevent heart problems, please speak with your primary care physician or your cardiologist because you may be taking aspirin inappropriately. ~ Dr. Broussard Luepker RV, Oldenburg NC, Misialek JR, et al American Journal of Preventive Medicine | February 4, 2021 This study was sought to…
Diet and Acne
In a paper published in the International Journal of Dermatology, the authors discuss diet and acne. The authors report states that diets high in sugar, excess cola and soft drinks, salty foods, dairy products, fast food and chocolate seem to be acne promoting foods. On the other hand, eating fruits, vegetables and possibly fish are…
Head Posture and It’s Affect on Breathing and Neck Pain
This article was published in the International Journal of Occupational Medicine and Environmental Health. The authors said that the head is approximately 6% of the total body weight, and they found that abnormal head position changes muscle activity, awareness of body position and movement, breathing patterns and neck pain. Over the course of years of…
Back Pain Heals Easier When Able to Sleep
Many times my patients ask me what’s the best position to sleep in for lower back pain. I tell them that the most comfortable position is the best. I always tell them, “if you can’t sleep, you can’t heal.” If you have to sleep upside down in the closet, that’s the best position to sleep…
Low and Very Low Carb Diets for Type 2 Diabetes Remission
In an article published in the British Journal of Medicine, the authors scanned the medical literature, and concluded that there is moderate to low certainty evidence, that patients adhering to a low carbohydrate diet for six months may experience remission of diabetes without adverse consequences. In fact, there is about a 32% chance that you will…
Fried Food Linked To Serious Heart Disease and Stroke
MedicalXpress Breaking News-and-Events | January 19, 2021d Fried-food intake is linked to a heightened risk of major heart disease and stroke, finds a pooled analysis of the available research data, published online in the journal Heart. And the risk rises with each additional 114 g weekly serving, the analysis indicates. It’s clear that the Western diet…
Surgery: The Ultimate Placebo
January 1, 2021 BY RONALD FEISE, DC A patient tells you his father has had low back pain for several years and has tried many treatments, but nothing has helped. Spinal fusion has been recommended. Complicating matters, his father lives on the other side of the country. How do you respond? What does the current…
Chiropractic Commercial Wins an Award
The Telly Awards, founded in 1979 to “honor excellence in video and television across all screens, ” has selected the Foundation for Chiropractic Progress as the gold winner in its General Non-For-Profit Online Commercial Category for 2020. The commercial earned a top Telly Award from among 12,000 plus entries representing all 50 states and five…
The Fateful Intersection of the AMA, Chiropractic, and Scientology
— Once again, “the enemy of my enemy is my friend” by Howard Wolinsky, Contributing Writer, MedPage Today January 18, 2021 The following is an excerpt from journalist Howard Wolinsky’s new book, Contain and Eliminate: The American Medical Association’s Conspiracy to Destroy Chiropractic. It’s the story of how chiropractors, frustrated by a decades-long AMA campaign to…
Q&A: Reporting on the AMA’s War Against Chiropractors
— Journalist Howard Wolinsky discusses his new book, “Contain and Eliminate” by John Gever, Managing Editor, MedPage Today January 18, 2021 It’s no secret that allopathic physicians have long viewed chiropractors with suspicion. But the lengths to which the physicians’ biggest professional organization, the American Medical Association, once went to deprive chiropractors of their livelihoods…