Author: Andre Broussard, D.C.
Manipulation Helps Back Pain After Bypass Surgery
As some of you may know, I had heart bypass surgery earlier this year. About a month after surgery, I started getting adjusted frequently because I had mid back pain (thoracic spine) and my ribs were painful. I went to a chiropractor that provided me with treatments like in this article, and it really helped…
Knee Pain Responds to Back and Pelvic Manipulations
In an article published in the Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies, the authors found that, after just one adjustment in the back and pelvis, people with pain in the front of the knee (patellofemoral pain) had not only good pain relief, they had improved balance control as well. ~ Dr. Broussard The immediate effect…
Low Back Pain – What You Need To Know – Video By Simon Harris, M.D.
Low Back Pain is common and usually benign and self-limiting. There are many conditions that cause lower back pain from mechanical to malignancy. Although it is common and mostly benign, it is important to be aware of and rule out red flags of low back pain. OBJECTIVES In this module, Dr. Simon Harris will discuss…
Aerobic Exercise Helps Migraine Headaches
Exercise often tops providers’ lists of recommended lifestyle modifications that help reduce migraine burden because it helps reduce inflammation. Rigorous aerobic exercise is sufficient to reduce migraine frequency, intensity and duration. And, the higher your intensity, the more benefit. If you can’t tolerate high-impact exercise, try something like yoga. Exercise is a reasonable evidence-based recommendation…
Yoga Therapy Can Help With Rheumatoid Arthritis
This article published in The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine found that yoga can reduce disease activity to include stress and inflammation factors in rheumatoid arthritis patients. ~ Dr. Broussard Effect of Yoga Therapy on Disease Activity, Inflammatory Markers, and Heart Rate Variability in Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis The Journal of Alternative and Complementary…
Cigarette Smoking and Hearing Loss
The more, and the longer women smoke cigarettes, the greater the risk of hearing loss. This article in the American Journal of Medicine says that the risk of hearing loss diminishes over time after quitting. ~ Dr. Broussard Cigarette smoking, smoking cessation, and risk of hearing loss in women Lin BM, Wang M, Stankovic KM,…
Shock Wave Therapy for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
This article published in the journal Disability and Rehabilitation, demonstrates that shock wave therapy may be beneficial for helping people with carpal tunnel syndrome. CLICK HERE to see a brief video of shock wave therapy. ~ Dr. Broussard Effects of shock wave therapy in patients with carpal tunnel syndrome: a systematic review and meta-analysis Yujie…
What Kind of Exercises Help With Neck Pain?
This study shows that motor control and segmental exercises are the most effective exercise training to reduce short term pain and disability due to neck pain. If you want to get started on some of these exercises, these three videos will provide a good reference: Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3. ~ Dr. Broussard…
With Adult Acne, You Are What You Eat
— Western diet increased odds of currently having acne by Kristen Monaco, Staff Writer, MedPage Today June 10, 2020 Dietary habits — particularly fats and carbs — were associated with risk of acne in adults, a French study found. Looking at daily dietary records of nearly 25,000 individuals, consumption of one portion of fatty and…
Back Adjustments May Help Knee Pain
Patellofemoral pain is when you have pain in the front part of your knee. This article in the Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies found that when the lumbar spine and pelvis was manipulated that people with pain in the front of their knees got some relief. ~ Dr. Broussard The immediate effect of lumbopelvic…