Author: Andre Broussard, D.C.
Early Access to Chiropractors, PTs Tied to Decreased Long-Term Opioid Use
October 23, 2019 Odds of short- or long-term opioid use higher for initial visits with physicians for low back pain TUESDAY, Oct. 22, 2019 (HealthDay News) — Patients who initially see a physical therapist or chiropractor for low back pain rather than a primary care physician are much less likely to be prescribed opioids, according…
Laser Acupuncture for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
If you suffer from mild-to-moderate carpal tunnel syndrome, look into using a laser on traditional Chinese acupuncture points (s PC-7 (Daling) and PC-6 (Neiguan), once a day, 5 times a week, for 4 weeks. ~ Dr. Broussard Laser Acupuncture for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome: A Single-Blinded Controlled Study The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine Vol.…
A Warning From a Doctor Who Has Done Thousands of Steroid Injections for Arthritis
The extremely common treatment might be causing more harm than previously thought. JAMES HAMBLIN OCTOBER 17, 2019 After giving birth to a baby, a young woman told her nurses at Boston Medical Center that she was having pain in her hip. That happens sometimes after births, says Ali Guermazi, one of the doctors involved. As…
Don’t Pop Your Own Neck!
Don’t pop your own neck! Here’s a case study of someone who popped their own neck, and began bleeding in the spinal cord. Luckily, he survived the incident after surgery and rehab. ~ Dr. Broussard Spinal epidural hematoma in a patient on chronic anticoagulation therapy performing self-neck manipulation: a case report Jesse Cooper Chiropractic &…
No Need To Cut Down Red Meat Consumption
Newswise | October 01, 2019 Most people can continue to eat red and processed meat as they do now. A panel of international scientists led by researchers at Dalhousie and McMaster universities systematically reviewed the evidence and have recommended that most adults should continue to eat their current levels of red and processed meat. The…
Exercise As A Prescription For Patients With Various Diseases
This article discusses different types of exercises for various diseases. Aerobic Exercise for: Low back pain, osteoporosis, osteoarthritis, hip fractures, obesity, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, coronary artery disease, chronic heart failure, Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s disease, depression, anxiety disorders, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, chronic kidney disease, after kidney transplants, breast cancer, colon cancer, prostate cancer, and…
Chiropractic Care Reduces Odds Of Receiving an Opioid Prescription
This review article found that chiropractic users had a 64% lower odds of receiving an opioid prescription than non-chiropractic users. ~ Dr. Broussard Association Between Chiropractic Use and Opioid Receipt Among Patients with Spinal Pain: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis Pain Medicine, pnz219, Kelsey L Corcoran, DC Published: 27 September 2019 Abstract Objective To investigate the…
Heart Attacks and Stroke Risks in Meat Eaters, Fish Eaters, and Vegetarians
This article shows that fish eaters and vegetarians had lower rates of heart attacks than meat eaters, but vegetarians had higher rates of stroke. ~ Dr. Broussard Risks of Ischemic Heart Disease and Stroke in Meat Eaters, Fish Eaters, and Vegetarians September 25, 2019 TAKE-HOME MESSAGE The EPIC-Oxford prospective cohort study examined incident cases of ischemic…
Chiropractors Reduce Risk of Being Prescribed Opioids for Back Pain
As opposed to going to the primary care doctor first, initial visits to chiropractors or physical therapists is associated with substantially decreased early and long-term use of opioids. ~Dr. Broussard Observational retrospective study of the association of initial healthcare provider for new-onset low back pain with early and long-term opioid use BMJ Open 2019;9:e028633. doi:…
Chiropractic Care My Reduce Opioid Prescriptions for Vets
They are looking into the issue of using chiropractic type care for Veterans. It appears that opioid prescriptions are lower after chiropractic visits for Vets, so it is recommended to study this more closely. ~ Dr. Broussard Opioid Use Among Veterans of Recent Wars Receiving Veterans Affairs Chiropractic Care Pain Med. 2018 Sep 1;19(suppl_1):S54-S60. doi:…