Category: Nutrition

  • Eating Organic Reduces Cancer Risk

    This article in the Journal of the American Medical Association reported a reduction in cancer risk when people eat organic foods. ~ Dr. Broussard Association of frequency of organic food consumption with cancer risk: Findings from the NutriNet-Santé prospective cohort study JAMA — Baudry J, et al. | December 06, 2018 In this population-based cohort study…

  • Pros and cons of coffee: Do the benefits outweigh the risks?

    John Murphy, MDLinx | December 06, 2018 Coffee is so ubiquitous that we almost forget how it may affect our health. Indeed, more than half (55%) of the US population drinks coffee on a daily basis, at an average of about 2 cups per day, according to recent surveys. Serious coffee drinkers gulp down much…

  • Eggs Are Good For Your Heart….Again

    Does an egg a day keep CVD away? John Murphy, MDLinx | December 05, 2018 For many years, eggs have had a bad reputation for contributing to heart disease. But new research is turning this “bad egg” into a good one. Indeed, researchers of a recent study showed that eating an egg a day is…

  • Do Milk and Sugar Cause Acne?

    IT’S CONFIRMED. DAIRY PRODUCTS AND SUGAR CAUSE ACNE. As our sugar and dairy consumption has increased over the last 100 years so has the number of people with acne. We now have over 17 million acne sufferers, costing our health care system $1 billion a year. Eighty to ninety percent of teenagers suffer acne to…

  • Whole-Fat or Nonfat Dairy? The Debate Continues

    This is the title of an article published in the December issue of the Journal of the American Medical Association.  They review the evidence for whole-fat, and non-fat dairy foods out there.  I agree with Frank Hu, MD, PhD, MPH, chair of the nutrition department at Harvard University where he advises, “don’t get overstressed about just one thing. Overall dietary…

  • Leaky Gut, Leaky Brain: The Role of Zonulin

    by Melissa Lee – Fx Medicine 05/13/2016 DOWNLOAD INFOGRAPHIC In recent years an amazing discovery has advanced our understanding of intestinal permeability. In 2000, Dr Alessio Fasano and his team discovered a molecule responsible for modulating intestinal tight junctions (TJs) known as zonulin. To date, zonulin is the only human protein known to reversibly regulate intestinal permeability. Based on Dr Fasano’s…

  • Low Carb Diets Can Help Lower Your Blood Sugars in Type 2 Diabetes 

    An article published in the journal Diabetic Medicine shows that you can lower your blood sugars by restricting your carbohydrates.  They found that by restricting carbohydrates to 50–130 g daily, it had beneficial effects on HbA1c in trials of up to 6 months.  Talk to your diabetes doctor before trying a restricted carbohydrate diet because everyone’s case is different.…

  • How to Reverse Cataracts

    Ronald Grisanti D.C., D.A.B.C.O., D.A.C.B.N., M.S. There is a growing population of aging patients suffering from cataracts and many are unaware of a simple solution that may reverse this eye disease. A cataract is a clouding of the lens in the eye that affects vision. Most cataracts are related to aging. Cataracts are very common…

  • NUTRITION:  Dark Roast Coffee Protects Human DNA

    This article reports that drinking dark roast coffee reduces DNA strand breakage, and may offer beneficial protective effects on human DNA integrity.  This important because It is known that there are a range of disorders that are associated with an impairment of cell DNA integrity due to increased damage to DNA.  Among these disorders, there are certain…

  • 5 Foods To Fight Inflammation

    Naveed Saleh, MD, MS, for MDLinx | November 20, 2018 Everyone knows the health benefits of eating fruits and vegetables. The health value of plant-based foods is attributable in part to the phytochemicals that they produce. Phytochemicals are compounds that give plants color, odor, and flavor. Phytochemicals do wonderful things for your body, such as…