Category: Nutrition
Obesity could overtake smoking as biggest preventable cause of cancer in women
Cancer Research UK News | September 24, 2018 Obesity is set to overtake smoking as the biggest preventable cause of cancer among UK women in 25 years’ time, according to a Cancer Research UK report. These new projections calculate that in just 17 years (2035) 10% of cancers in women (around 25,000 cases) could be…
Sugary Drinks Increase Breast Cancer Risk
Sugar-sweetened beverage consumption and incidence of breast cancer: The Seguimiento Universidad de Navarra (SUN) Project Journal Summaries in Internal Medicine European Journal of Nutrition — Romanos-Nanclares A, et al. | October 04, 2018 Given sugar-sweetened beverages (SSB) are an acknowledged dietary factor that increases insulin resistance, which may potentially lead to an increased risk of…
Probiotics Improve Spinal Bone Mineral Density
Gut microbiome shapes the immune system, which in turn regulates bone mass by Nancy Walsh, Senior Staff Writer, MedPage Today October 03, 2018 MONTREAL — Probiotic treatment for 12 months led to significant improvements in lumbar spine bone mineral density (BMD) among postmenopausal women, a researcher reported at the annual meeting of the American Society for…
Mediterranean diet prevents a leading cause of blindness, study suggests
Research shows we can all eat our way to better eye health Date: October 1, 2018 Source: American Academy of Ophthalmology Summary: Evidence is mounting that a poor diet plays an important role in the development of age-related macular degeneration (AMD), a leading cause of blindness in the United States. Evidence is mounting that a poor…
High-Dose Omega 3 Appears Effective for Reducing Cardiovascular Risk
As those that follow this research have seen, the higher doses (4g in this study) appear to be effective for CV risks and other conditions (inflammation/pain), while the studies using lower doses showed no benefit. – Dr. Broussard REDUCE-IT: 25% Reduction in MACE With High-Dose EPA Sue Hughes September 25, 2018 High doses (4-g…
Processed meat consumption linked to breast cancer risk
Date: October 2, 2018 Source: Wiley Summary: Studies on red and processed meat consumption with breast cancer risk have generated inconsistent results. A new analysis has now examined all published studies on the topic. Comparing the highest to the lowest category in the 15 studies included in the analysis, processed meat consumption was associated with…
Vitamin D deficiency: an unrecognized cause of flank pain
An article published in the Journal of Bone and Mineral Metabolism suggests that unexplained flank pain may be due to a vitamin D deficiency. If there is no medical history of kidney problems, trauma, etc., and no positive radiology findings, you can try supplementing with vitamin D, and you have about a 50% chance of…
More Evidence Links Mediterranean Diet to Less Depression
Pauline Anderson September 28, 2018 Adherence to a healthy diet, particularly the plant-rich Mediterranean diet, and avoidance of sugary processed foods that promote inflammation are associated with a reduced risk for depression, a new systematic review and meta-analysis suggest. This is yet more confirmation that a healthy diet not only improves physical health but also…
Advising Women Undergoing Treatment for Breast Cancer: A Narrative Review
This article discusses evidence-based recommendations breast cancer patients who want to consider using integrative approaches to their care. This article mentions nutritional recommendations, exercise recommendations, acupuncture and stress management. ~ Dr. Broussard The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine Vol. 24, No. 9-10 Dawn Lemanne, and Victoria Maizes Published Online:24 Sep 2018 Abstract…
Integrative Treatment for Colorectal Cancer: A Comprehensive Approach
This article looks at diet and lifestyle, and how things like the Standard American Diet (SAD Diet), eating processed meats, not eating enough vegetables, eating too much sugar, drinking sugary drinks, and too much refined carbohydrates are associated with colorectal cancer. ~ Dr. Broussard The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine Vol. 24, No. 9-10…