Category: Nutrition
Is All Sugar Created Equal?
BY Chris Kresser LAST UPDATED ON July 10, 2018 You’ve probably heard it countless times, especially in low-carb circles: sugar is sugar is sugar. This is true in principle – the glucose, fructose, and sucrose found in table sugar or high fructose corn syrup (HFCS) are the same molecules as the glucose, fructose, and sucrose…
Blood Pressure Diet Helps Migraines In Women
The DASH Diet is short for Dietary Approaches To Stop Hypertension. Women who followed this diet were 46% less likely to have severe headaches. CLICK HERE for a brief intro to the DASH Diet. ~ Dr. Broussard Associations between adherence to dietary approaches to stop hypertension (DASH) diet and migraine headache severity and duration among…
Magnesium Deficiency – A Principal Driver of Heart Disease
The authors of this study concluded, “Subclinical magnesium deficiency is a common and under-recognised problem throughout the world. Importantly, subclinical magnesium deficiency does not manifest as clinically apparent symptoms and thus is not easily recognised by the clinician. Despite this fact, subclinical magnesium deficiency likely leads to hypertension, arrhythmias, arterial calcifications, atherosclerosis, heart failure and…
Osteoarthritis Should Be Viewed As “Heart Disease” Of The Joints [Video]
June 26, 2018 David Seaman DC At first glance, the title of this blog may seem like a preposterous notion; however, it is a fact. Years ago, osteoarthritis (OA) was misperceived to be a wear-and-tear condition of joints, a myth that is still perpetuated today…however, we now know that OA is actually a chronic inflammatory…
Can Diet Help in Psoriasis?
by Nancy Walsh, Senior Staff Writer, MedPage TodayJune 22, 2018 The National Psoriasis Foundation has released dietary recommendations for adults with psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis, based on a systematic review of the current literature, with the strongest focus on weight reduction for those who are overweight or obese. “People with psoriatic disease tend to be overweight and…
16:8 fasting diet actually works, study finds
June 20, 2018 By Ana Sandoiu A form of intermittent fasting known as the 16:8 diet helps obese individuals to lose weight and lower their blood pressure, according to a new study. More and more people now turn to intermittent fasting as a fast and effective way to lose weight. There are different form of this diet, depending…
For Knee Osteoarthritis, More Weight Loss Is Better
“We suggest that the significant reduction in pain, inflammation, and knee joint loads combined with significant improvements in function, mobility, and health-related quality of life outweighs the slight reduction in bone mineral density that accompanies a weight loss of 10% or 20% of baseline body weight,” the authors wrote. Clinical and mechanistic improvements seen with…
Low Levels of Vitamin D Linked With Colorectal Cancer Risk
Published Friday 15 June 2018 In the largest study of its kind, low levels of vitamin D are linked with a significant increase in colorectal cancer risk. Conversely, higher levels appear to offer protection. Vitamin D is produced in the skin after contact with sunlight, as well as absorbed in our guts from several dietary sources…
New Evidence Supports Diet-Brain Connection
Mark L. Fuerst Jun 14, 2018 A large study reveals a quality diet leads to larger brain tissue volumes, suggesting that nutrition has an effect on neurodegeneration via brain structure.1 A total of 4213 people without dementia with an average age of 66 years participated in the study. They were asked to complete a questionnaire about how…
What Is the Low FODMAP Diet?
If you and your practitioner are working on a plan for gastrointestinal (GI) health, you likely have heard about the low FODMAP diet. But what exactly are FODMAPs, what do they do, and what are the pros and cons of being on a low FODMAP diet? What are FODMAPs? FODMAPS are sugars (carbohydrates) that are not easily…