Ozone or “Rooster Comb” Injections: Which One is Best With Knee Osteoarthritis?

They both seem to help a little, and are all about the same 6 months out, so they are about the  same. ~ Dr. Broussard

Intra-articular ozone or hyaluronic acid injection: Which one is superior in patients with knee osteoarthritis? A 6-month randomized clinical trial

Journal of Pain Research — | January 12, 2018

Raeissadat SA, et al. – This randomized clinical trial was planned to compare the efficacy of intra-articular ozone vs hyaluronic acid (HA) injection in patients with knee osteoarthritis (OA). Observations suggested that both ozone and HA can be effectively used for improving function and reducing pain in selected knee OA patients. However, neither of the two showed any superiority at 6-month follow-up.

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