Category: Knee Pain
Osteoarthritis could be prevented with good diet and exercise
Date: May 12, 2017 Source: University of Surrey Summary: Osteoarthritis can potentially be prevented with a good diet and regular exercise, a new expert review reports. Osteoarthritis can potentially be prevented with a good diet and regular exercise, a new expert review published in the Nature Reviews Rheumatology reports. During the expert review, researchers from the University…
Manual Therapy For Knee Osteoarthritis
The author of this study published in Pain Physician, concluded that, “the evidence from our study suggests that manual therapy might be effective and safe for improving pain, stiffness, and physical function in knee osteoarthritis patients…” The Effectiveness of Manual Therapy for Relieving Pain, Stiffness, and Dysfunction in Knee Osteoarthritis: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis…
Conquering Arthritis Naturally
Mark Hyman, M.D. interviews Susan Blum, M.D. Both physicians practice Functional Medicine, and they have a very interesting discussion over their approach to helping their patients who suffer from arthritis. If you suffer from arthritis, I recommend getting Dr. Blum’s book. Story Source
A Chiropractor Gets Knee Pain Relief Using Trigenics – Video
Dr. Michael Egan and Dr. Allan Oolo Austin are seen here teaching a KNEE and lower extremity course in Sydney Australia. The live patient is actually a chiropractic doctor who was taking the course and who had suffered with knee pain for 20 years. Watch as she finally cries with joy over the immediate pain…
Can Exercise Prevent Knee Osteoarthritis?
Jennifer Abbasi JAMA. Published online November 22, 2017. doi:10.1001/jama.2017.16144 A study of human skeletons housed in the vaults of US museums is providing a unique historical perspective on the prevailing wisdom that knee osteoarthritis (OA) is primarily a disease of aging and overweight, factors that are difficult if not impossible to prevent at the population level. In the…
Exercise the Hip AND the Knee to Help Knee Pain
J Orthop Sports Phys Ther. 2017 Oct 15:1-35. doi: 10.2519/jospt.2018.7365. [Epub ahead of print] Hip and Knee Strengthening is More Effective Than Knee Strengthening Alone for Reducing Pain and Improving Activity in Individuals With Patellofemoral Pain: A Systematic Review With Meta-Analysis. Nascimento LR1,2, Teixeira-Salmela LF1, Souza RB1, Resende RA1. Author information Study Design Systematic review…
Curcumin is the active ingredient of turmeric, and is also found in limited amounts in ginger. It is an anti-inflammatory molecule, and similar to fish oil, it seems to be a metabolic syndrome band-aid. It has poor bioavailability and black pepper greatly enhances absorption. Summary Curcumin is the yellow pigment associated with the curry spice,…
Combined Adequate Vitamin K and D Could Improve Knee Osteoarthritis
This study suggests using a combination of Vitamin D and Vitamin K to help improve the function of the knee(s) with arthritis. Sufficient vitamin K intake was defined according to the Institute of Medicine recommendations of ≥90 mcg/day for women and ≥120 mcg/day for men. Sufficient vitamin D intake was defined as ≥600 IU/day for men…
Risks and Complications of Total Knee Replacement Surgery
Written by Samuel Greengard Medically Reviewed by William Morrison, MD on October 23, 2017 Knee replacements have emerged as a mainstream surgery. According to the Agency of Research and Quality (AHRQ), over 600,000 procedures were performed in 2009. That number is expected to grow into the millions by the year 2030. According to the American Academy of…
Knee Pain and Your Exercise Routine
Most osteoarthritis knee pain sufferers know that exercise is a crucial part of treatment. Unfortunately, many get caught in what’s known as the vicious cycle of knee pain. Your knee hurts, so you start avoiding activities and exercise, which can lead to weight gain and more knee pain. How do exercise and knee pain relief…