CoQ10 To Prevent Migraine Headache and Reduce Number of Migraine Days

Try taking between 100 mg to 400 mg of CoQ10 per day to see if you experience a reduction in your migraine headaches. ~ Dr. Broussard

Efficacy of CoQ10 as supplementation for migraine: A meta-analysis

Acta Neurologica Scandinavica — Zeng Z, et al. | November 19, 2018

In this first-in-kind study, researchers investigated the clinical utility of coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10), a nutritional agent, as a supplemental agent in migraine. Researchers searched Web of Science, PubMed, and Cochrane Library databases for potential articles evaluating the effects of CoQ10 on migraine. Two independent reviewers extracted data and conducted analyses using the Revman 5.2 software. Five studies with 346 patients (120 pediatric and 226 adult) were included in the meta-analysis. Findings supported CoQ10 as a powerful therapeutic preventative agent in regard to migraine duration and the number of monthly migraine days.

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